
misinformation,Nancy Grace Program

an evil time
video testimony
VOLUME OCTOBER 2002a Lockdown, Sniper Shootings, Larry King
NOVEMBER 2002a Three For Jesus, Brother Paulding
VOLUME DECEMBER 2002a Mack, Death of Andy Tant
David Wins Lawsuit
e-z- quik index page 2
Letter Concerning Beltway Snipers
misinformation, Nancy Grace Program
have faith
Danny's song
wasp watching
the everlasting arms
London Terror
wee hours
no more satan
cranberry juice
prayers and cranberry juice
a dark night
looking ahead
God Comforts
here comes the SON
late responses
moving forward
growing stronger.
fascination with evil
don't ask
being there
missing alan
thanks to the King
the hard road
time out
treasures in prison
open hearts
election day
changes and challenges
new horizons
veterans day
wrong things
suffering servants
torment to salvation
growing old
letter to crime victim's board
a hard lesson
triple six
notes on Love
gary evans
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rejoicing at lies
sifted as wheat
simple things
God's surprise
anniversary of arrest
beltway snipers
lost things
mom and dad
on being hated
to the victims of my crimes
my life is about hope
Journal Vol. 1
DBJ Vol. 3
DBJ Vol. 4
DJB Vol. 5
volume may 2006



                      Yea, all who live a godly life in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.

 2 Timothy 3:12



       Sometimes, in order to mature my faith and enhance spiritual growth, the Lord in His infinite wisdom will allow me to experience situations in which I will find  myself being “pressed out of measure” (*) in various ways, including persecution.


     It is, I believe, during the time when I sense myself to be growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ that difficulties will arise which place differing degrees of pressure upon me.  This is because I have to be squeezed, shaped and molded by the firm hands of the Almighty.


     Likewise, along this line, when a Christian wishes to fulfill the Lord’s command to “Go into all the world” and proclaim the gospel that opposition will come.


     Threre will be those who will accuse him of having wrong motives.  The Christian will be misunderstood.  His character will be assassinated.   And this is called “persecution”.  And as difficult as it may be to full understand it, God Himself will allow it (within limitations) for the growth and maturing of the believer.


     Recently, in fact, this has been the case with me.  For although I did not find out about it until several days after the event, on June 30, CNN’s Nancy Grace Program aired a lengthy segment on prime time television about my upcoming journal book.  I learned about the program when I happened to call a friend who then told me about the show.



Then, a few weeks later, my friend was able to obtain a transcript of the Nancy Grace Program which she in turn sent to me to peruse.


     I all fairness, as I reviewed the transcript, I did see that some of what had been reported is correct.  Yes, if it be the Lord’s will, many of my current journal entries are going to be in a book.  This was not my idea, however.  Instead it was an inner vision of a handful of my closest friends who felt that my writings should be published.


     Then, at some point, what was a thought in their minds began to take shape and may now become a reality.


     Of course, as per New York State’s Executive Law, in the section which deals specifically with crime victims, I would not be permitted to make any money from such a publication, nor would I want to.


     Unbeknown to Ms. Grace, though, in 2004 a contract was signed between myself and the publisher, and we agreed that a percentage of the gross profits that would normally go to the “author” will instead be given to the New York State Crime Victim’s board for eventual distribution to the families of the victims of my crimes, if they want it..


     So it was disappointing to learn about the misinformation that was presented to the public by an emotionally charged Nancy Grace when she told her viewers that I might make “millions” of dollars from the book which, by the way, as of this moment, is nowhere near completion.


     Furthermore, also on the program was an attorney, David Wohl, whom I do not know.  He was urging one of the mothers of one of my victims, who was also being interviewed for this segment from her home, that she should seek a civil judgment against me for “any money that this multiple murderer might make.”  What ignorance!  Obviously Mr. Wohl knows nothing about the contract which was carefully crafted and agreed upon long before this program was aired.


     I do not fault Ms. Grace, however, and I have no axe to grind with her.  I suppose, too, that she had the  best of intentions to make the public aware that I write a journal behind prison walls, and that at some future time some of these writings will be made into a book.


     But I do believe that it was unnecessary and even harmful to rile up the public needlessly as well as aggravate the families of my victims.


     Yet if it does come to pass that a book is published, I pray that it will become an inspiration to many people from all walks of life.  In addition, that there will be financial benefits for the victims.


David Berkowitz

                                                                                            July 30, 2005



(*) 2 Corinthians 1:8


SOURCE:  “Rush” Transcript for the Nancy Grace Program aired on June 30, 2005 at CNN.com



© 2005 David Berkowitz


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