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Journal Vol. 1
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volume may 2006

Truly I say to you that the tax-gatherers and the harlots will get into the kingdom of God before you.         Matthew 21:31  NASB 

     This morning the prison's chapel was full.  We had an

unusually large turnout for the service, including some new men

who recently transferred here from other facilities.


     Anyhow, as I took my place behind the pulpit in order to

open the service and begin our time of worship, I reminded the

congregation that Jesus' desire is to "save sinners," and how

that for the past two thousand years His mission has not

changed.  He has come to "seek" and to "save" that which was



     The religious rulers of His day, however, could not

understand why such a person who claimed to be the Messiah

would bother to eat with, and in their eyes, defile Himself

with the outcasts of society.


     These self-righteous leaders and "model citizens", I told

the men, were obviously blind to God's love and mercy, because,

according to the Bible, Jesus came to die for those who have

sinned.  He came to earth and lived a sinless life, and He

willingly paid for our sins with His own Blood.


     May I say, therefore, that throughout the centuries since

the Lord Jesus walked this earth, not much has changed in the

way of attitudes.  While Christ still seeks for the lost, the

self-righteous continue to point their fingers and criticize.


     They cannot comprehend what God sees in criminals,

homeless people, prostitutes, or the poor.


     But God sees the bigger picture, I explained. He sees the

results of a cleansed, forgiven and changed life.


     Unfortunately many of the so called "good people" of

society are living a lie.


     I said this because, as the Scriptures state, there are

really none who are good.  "All have sinned and come short of

God's perfect standard." (Romans 3:23).


     So if there is someone who thinks he has his life

altogether, I told the men, and if he looks down on those whose

bad deeds are in the open, he is in the worst predicament of

all.  Why?  Because he is proud and self-deceived.  He thinks

he's done nothing seriously wrong.  And he does not grieve over

his sins.


     Meanwhile, in prison cells across the world, or on street

corners where prostitutes gather, the gospel is being preached

and those " outcasts" are repenting and believing.


     Those who are in such a wretched condition are eager for

help, hope, and mercy.  While those who are prosperous and

successful in life often see little need for God or to seek



     Plus, like the proud religious leaders during the days of

Christ, they looked down on everyone else.  Such people are

spiritually blind, and this is sad.


     But if we understand the gospel, we can know that God

loves us.  He has redeemed all who have placed their faith in

Jesus, whether they have criminal records or not.  What an

amazing God!


                              David Berkowitz

                              June 26, 2005




(c) 2005  David Berkowitz


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