
notes on the beltway snipers

an evil time
video testimony
VOLUME OCTOBER 2002a Lockdown, Sniper Shootings, Larry King
NOVEMBER 2002a Three For Jesus, Brother Paulding
VOLUME DECEMBER 2002a Mack, Death of Andy Tant
David Wins Lawsuit
e-z- quik index page 2
Letter Concerning Beltway Snipers
misinformation, Nancy Grace Program
have faith
Danny's song
wasp watching
the everlasting arms
London Terror
wee hours
no more satan
cranberry juice
prayers and cranberry juice
a dark night
looking ahead
God Comforts
here comes the SON
late responses
moving forward
growing stronger.
fascination with evil
don't ask
being there
missing alan
thanks to the King
the hard road
time out
treasures in prison
open hearts
election day
changes and challenges
new horizons
veterans day
wrong things
suffering servants
torment to salvation
growing old
letter to crime victim's board
a hard lesson
triple six
notes on Love
gary evans
home for outcasts
cruel mockings
rejoicing at lies
sifted as wheat
simple things
God's surprise
anniversary of arrest
beltway snipers
lost things
mom and dad
on being hated
to the victims of my crimes
my life is about hope
Journal Vol. 1
DBJ Vol. 3
DBJ Vol. 4
DJB Vol. 5
volume may 2006

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beltway snipers

     On or about October 2, 2002, I began to enter into one of the darkest periods of my life--a time of sadness, anguish, pain, and grief.  This was when the Washington, D.C. area

killer snipings began.


     When I began to hear the news reports about someone who  was going around the Washington, D.C., Maryland, and then Virginia areas shooting people, I didn't know what to make of it.


     For a few days I really didn't pay much attention to these events as news reports about violent acts and crimes go over the radio, TV, and wire services everyday.


     However several days later the situation began to escalate.  The media became abuzz with reports about the shootings.  Then there was a point---I'm not sure exactly when--that the ugly "Son of Sam" moniker and my name began to become enmeshed with this case.  This grieved me and troubled my mind.


     Now, two weeks later, this has become a nightmare.


First, for the families who lost a loved one as a result of these crimes, then for the citizens of the affected areas;

and lastly for me.


     Thus, as a result of the terrible tragedy now unfolding, and because my crimes have been publicly compared with what is happening at present, I am making this statement expressing my feelings about the sniper shootings, even though, at this juncture, no one in the media, the general public, nor even anyone with law enforcement knows who is doing this or why.


     I want to say how sorry I am for those who lost a loved one or who were seriously injured during these shootings. 


Their pain and grief must be enormous and beyond description.


      My heart goes out to them and my prayers go up to heaven in their behalf.  I am sure that millions of Americans are praying for these people too.


     I also pray that whoever is doing this is quickly apprehended.  What they are doing is wrong and there is

absolutely no excuse for their actions.


     There are also no excuses for my own criminal actions of some 25 years ago.  God only knows how many times I have cried out in sorrow over the terrible things that I did during a very dark and seemingly hopeless period of my life.  I only wish I could undo it all, but such a horrible series of actions can never be undone.


     And like everyone else in America, I can only speculate as to why these killings are happening.  I do not know if it is only one person or more than one. 


     I do not know if it is a troubled and tormented man who is angry at the U.S. Government, or at some other law enforcement organization.  Or if this man is a genuine terrorist from a foreign land or a man who is being influenced by some kind of political propaganda and/or militia literature published by those who hate the United States' present government, even though they live in this country and are currently enjoying America's comforts, freedoms and benefits.


     It is so easy to hate and to have this hatred fester in one's soul until such a person comes under a strong delusion that committing a violent crime is the answer,  that taking lives is necessary, that justice can only be achieved by violence.


     So in light of this, I pray, therefore, that all of those who have lost a loved one in these recent terrorist attacks,

will find their peace, solace and comfort in having a personal relationship with God.  That each individual man, woman or child will come to see God as a loving and compassionate heavenly Father who wants to take up each grieving person in His arms.


     My prayer today is, in part, that many will find the spiritual path that leads them to hope and healing. Also, may each person who is suffering pain and loss at this time, still have many good things in life to be happy about.



David Berkowitz



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