The apostle Paul, who penned this Scripture verse, probably suffered more than any other Christian who has ever lived. The world despised him. While many in
the church itself either loved or were indifferent to this saint whom God used to shake a continent with the gospel, and to
encourage Christians from all walks of life.
The torturous abuses Paul experienced are written about
in the Bible. Yet he shocks the church with his understatement that all he went
through were but “light afflictions”. They were
mild, I suppose, Paul thought, when he compared his difficulties to that of as the Savior.
For Jesus was his best example of suffering.
The beloved Son of God endured the cross and all the
pain and shame that went with it—the beatings, abuse, spitting, and crown of stinging thorns that covered Jesus’
face with His Blood; the crowds cheered for His death.
Yet the Lord stood strong through His great afflictions,
while Paul, thorough Christ’s imparted strength, withstood his “light” ones.
As for myself, I have been through even lighter
trials. Yet they have hurt and wearied me, and my body and spirit have been begging
for a rest. So a rest it shall be.
I will not be writing my journal during the months
of February and March. I have several important matters to attend to. I have responsibilities as the inmate pastor. I also need
a time for refocusing, recuperation, and refreshing.
Lord willing, I hope to return in April.
January 30, 2005
© 2005 David Berkowitz