In my opinion it was inevitable. A group of terrorists launched a major series of attacks against the people of Great
Britain. It happened this morning, and by late
this evening the reports are far from complete.
But there were at least four bombings, three in the subway system and one on a tour bus. Perhaps a few dozen people lost their lives.
The count of the dead may go up higher still.
During this evening’s Bible class, however, the approximately twenty of us who
were present all joined our hands together in a circle. We prayed for those
who were hurt by this tragedy. We also asked God to bring comfort to the families
of those who died.
I know what the Scriptures tell me concerning the “end times.” And because men wish to remove God from their minds, and be their own little gods instead, it can only
be expected that the conditions of this world cannot get better. Men are in rebellion
against their Creator. They will not bow to Him; they’re to proud to pray
to a deity they cannot see with their eyes.
Nevertheless, this sudden burst of terror bombings
made me think of a letter I sent to a young man in Great Britain
in December of last year. (See my journal entry for December 8, 2004).
In late 2004 I sensed that Great Britain
may be facing some kind of danger. So in my letter I told this man that in years
past his nation brought forth into the world men and women who were champions of the Christian faith. While today, however, England’s
churches are losing members. Its power has been diminished. And in a land where the gospel was once preached with burning passion and holy fervor, all that is left
are mere memories of those days.
The United States of America
is in the same situation. I believe that if a genuine spiritual awakening does
not come soon, both of our countries may suffer terrible consequences.
These are perilous times we live in, and today’s bombings may be a taste of what
is ahead.
Yet there is hope. God is merciful. He is patient with His fallen creatures, and He cares.
He also had nothing to do with these terrorist attacks. They were the
work of evil men.
But I ask, who will seek God? What leaders
of nations will humble their hearts and say, “Lord, we need you, and we need Your help.”
I will say this: when the blessings are gone, then men will realize what they have lost. They shall regret their pride. Hereafter
they must fend for themselves.
David Berkowitz
July 7, 2005
©2005 David Berkowitz